The program "Georgian Literature in Translation" is designed for the Foreign Publishing Houses, willing totranslate and publish Georgian Literature.1. Program Terms1.1 The Program is designed for the Foreign Publishing Houses;1.2 Titles selected by the Foreign Publishing Houses for the further translation and publication have to bepublished for the first time in the target foreign language in the target foreign country during the last 25years (If applicant is willing to republish Georgian literature in translation published 25 years before, theapplicant can request financing only for printing cost);1.3 Book must be published only after signing the contract between the applicant publishing house andWriters' House of Georgia;1.4 Priorities will be given to those projects, which have no additional funding from other sources. Iffunding is being applied from other sources, it should not cover the same category of expenses thatforeign publishing house will request from Writers' House of Georgia.2. Application Procedures2.1 Applications have to be submitted to the Writers' House of Georgia by the CEO or trustee of thepublishing house;2.2 The application form is available on the website:;2.3 Foreign publishing houses have to submit electronic version of applications in Englishto:;2.4 Two Application Periods are open annually for registration:
 1st Application Period: 1 October - 1 December 2nd Application Period: 1 January - 1 March 3rd Application Period: 1 May - 1 July2.5 Applications have to be submitted within the indicated deadlines;2.6 Late applications will not be considered.3. Requested fundingThe Program "Georgian Literature in Translation" will covers one of these categories:
 Translation Cost up to 100 %  Printing Cost up to 100 % * Please note: Writers House will fund no less than 50% of the total budget of the proposed project
4. Application Evaluation Procedures4.1 Registered applications will be forwarded for discussion to the Supervisory Board of the Writers'House of Georgia;4.2 Supervisory Board identifies the successful applications;4.3 Applicants will be informed of the results by email: No later than 6 weeks after each ApplicationPeriod.
5. Required attachments*5.1 Completed Application Form, please download the file;5.2 The translator's CV (indicating experience only in the translation field, list of translations);5.3 A copy of the contract with the translator (signed by both parties);5.4 A copy of the contract with the Georgian rights' holder (signed by both parties);5.5 In case of anthology, please attach a full data of the publication (authors, titles);5.6 Detailed budget of the project. Please download the file (budget must be provided in accordancewith publishing market prices of target country. In case of overestimated budget the project will bediscarded);5.7 In case of co-funding, approval letter from the relevant organization on the co-funding (indicatingamount and category of expenses);5.8 Official Bank requisites of the publishing house (Account Holder's name, Bank Name, address, IBAN,Swift etc.). Please see example;* Writers' House of Georgia may, however, request additional data.6. Funding and contract terms and conditions6.1 In accordance with the approval for funding, the Writers' House of Georgia signs the contract withthe identified successful publishing houses;6.2 Basis of the contract is:a) The contract with the Georgian rights' holder;b) The contract with the translator;c) Detailed budget of the project;6.3 Contract is signed by the representatives of the both parties: The director of the Writers' House ofGeorgia and CEO or a trustee of the foreign publishing house;6.4 The project has to be executed in line with the terms and conditions laid out on the contract dulysigned by the both parties;6.5 Funding will be issued after the implementation of the project and signing by both parties the finalacceptance certificate;6.6 The terms of the contract will be considered as implemented only after the target publishing house:a) publishes the book with full print run indicated in the application and in the contract;b) provides no less than 5 hardcopies of the translated and published book to Writers' House of Georgia;c) provides financial documentation on the contract price (Acceptance Certificate between the translatorand the publisher indicating the final translation costs and the final invoice indicating full print run andprinting costs);6.7 The foreign publishing house undertakes to make visible the support provided by the Writers' Houseof Georgia and the Ministry of Culture and Sport of Georgia in the published book. In particular, visibilityhas to include the both logos of the Writers' House and the Ministry of Culture and Sport of Georgia andthe following sentence: The book is published with the support of the Writers' House of Georgia andMinistry of Culture and Sport of Georgia.6.8 In case of future editions the target publishing house undertakes to include the logo of Writers'House of Georgia with the following phrase: "The book is published with the support of the Writers'House of Georgia " and to provide 3 hardcopies of the published book to Writers' House of Georgia.